We are happy to announce BioantTalks a YouTube Conference for Anthropologists has partnered with Dr. Francisca Alves Cardoso to organize the conference, BioantTalks: AnthroEthics in the 21st Century. The meeting will take place from September 28 to October the 2nd, 2020 on the YouTube Channel BioantTalks.
AnthroEthics in the 21st Century Conference aims to discuss past and current ethical issues and considerations in the field of anthropology, particularly in biological anthropology.
Topics include, but not restricted to:
- Ethical considerations on the creation and curation of human skeletal collections
- Ethical considerations on human skeletons exhibition to the public
- Ethical issues in 3D digitization
- The law and ethical concerns
- Repatriation
- How colonialism still affects anthropology today
Although the call for papers is open to all, we especially welcome studies performed outside of Europe, the USA and Canada.
Submit it as a .doc document no later than June 30th, 2020 (11 pm Eastern Standard Time).
Presenting your research at BioantTalks will allow you:
– to present your research in the comfort of your home or office
– to present without worrying about fees (BioantTalks is free!)
– to connect with anthropologists & archaeologists around the world on an online platform
– to be environmentally friendly by helping to reduce work-related carbon emissions associated with academic travel
More details can be found here