Visiting Fellows – The Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology

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The Department “Anthropology of Economic Experimentation” invites

Visiting Fellows (f/m/d)

Visitors should have research or work experiences related to economic anthropology, and have intellectual interest in research agendas of the Department. Our research themes will be constantly evolving, and your ideas could play an important part in shaping our agendas.

The fellowship is open to all social science disciplines from the academic community and beyond, and to all levels of seniority, from PhD students to full professors. A fellowship typically lasts between one and six months. During this period, the Institute provides a monthly living stipend varying according to the visitor’s seniority and contributions. Furthermore, fellows will have full access to the Institute facilities. You are expected to provide one or more seminar presentation to reflect on a foundational theory, concept, idiom or ethnographic case in economic anthropology. You are also requested to lead a reading group discussion on a related topic. Members in the Department may approach you for advices on questions related to your expertise.

If a physical visit to the institute proves difficult due to COVID-19 conditions, we recommend a virtual visit arrangement. The virtual visit gives you access to MPI resources and allows you to participate in activities online.

If physical travel takes place, we will cover the cost of one round trip from your home place to Halle and assist you to find a local accommodation. 

The Max Planck Society strives to ensure gender equality and diversity.


Application procedure

 Those interested are asked to submit the following materials:

  • CV including a list of publications
  • a two-page statement about your plan during the fellowship. We are especially interested in learning what conceptual contributions your ongoing research aims at. For instance, your work may deepen our understanding about competition, hierarchy, or rethink the meanings of distribution and mediation, or reinterpret the division of the spheres of exchange and the dynamics underpinning the kula ring.
  • indication of the starting and ending time, and whether you wish to visit physically or virtually
  • a recommendation letter from the principal supervisor for currently enrolled PhD students

Please submit your application materials electronically by following the link for vacancies on our homepage (under ‘Career’), or by going directly to the online application form using the link below.

There is no fixed deadline for applications. You can apply anytime. However, the application must be submitted at least four months before your planned starting date. We will inform you about the outcome within six weeks after receiving your application.


We look forward to receiving your online application under HERE

Further information on the research agenda of the Max Planck Institute is available on our website