Senior lecturer in Gender Studies (Karlstad University, Sweden)

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Last day of application: April 8, 2018

The Centre for Gender Studies is recruiting a senior lecturer in Gender Studies with specialisation in applied Gender Studies and organisational change.

Together with Social Work, Sociology and Psychology, Gender Studies forms part of the Department of Social and Psychological Studies in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. At Karlstad University, Gender Studies is concentrated to the Centre for Gender Studies (CGF) and involves researchers and disciplines across the university. The overall aim of the Centre for Gender Studies is to apply and continue to develop cross- and multidisciplinary approaches to Gender Studies issues. This happens through a mutually critical dialogue between different disciplines and gender theory. The Centre for Gender Studies also cooperate with the community and is a driving force in the development of applied Gender Studies. At the Centre for Gender Studies, both traditional academic project and projects in partnership with external actors are conducted.

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