A APA partilha junto dos seus sócios um resumo das mais recentes atividades da WCAA — da qual a APA é associação associada. Este resumo foi redigido por Catherine Trundle, membro da comissão executiva da Association of Social Anthropologists of Aotearoa/New Zealand, também associação associada da WCAA.
Publications and Media
In one’s own terms: This cool WCAA online initiative “creates a channel for the World Anthropologies to express themselves in their own languages. Aiming at displacing the locus of hegemonic enunciation, this space honors the original languages of the anthropologies and, through them their roots, identities and projections.” It also provides many English language translations of these pieces. Check out recent pieces written by Japanese anthropologists on Fair Trade, Civil Society, and the invisibility of Japanese anthropology.
You’ll find it here or at https://www.wcaanet.org/publications/propios_terminos/articles.html
Also, if you haven’t already, check out the WCAA journal Déjà Lu (“Already read”) “an initiative that aims at pluralizing the dissemination of anthropological knowledge on a global level. The idea is simple: we republish articles selected by the journals of the associations members of the WCAA (and other relevant journals in the field) and give them global visibility by means of our international networks.”
You’ll find it here or at https://www.wcaanet.org/dejalu/
For those on Facebook, the WCAA Facebook page can be found here. (https://www.facebook.com/wcaanet/)
WCAA Global Survey of Anthropological Practice
Whether you are a lecturer, student or anthropologist outside of academia, please consider completing this important global WCAA survey. The more New Zealand anthropologists who complete this, the more that ASAANZ can utilize it to best support anthropology in Aotearoa.
“This is an important opportunity to learn more about the current state of our community of practice: who we are, what we do, and where we do it. The aim of the Global Survey is to compile information on the contemporary state of anthropology as an international profession. This project is intended to help the WCAA and its member associations to understand better the professional situation of anthropologists across the globe, in particular the employment status of anthropology graduates, so that associations can respond meaningfully to the needs of our discipline. It is also intended to provide a profile of the research and projects being undertaken by anthropologists in order to demonstrate to governments, scientific organizations and other authorities the continuing relevance and contributions of our discipline.”
It takes less than ten minutes to complete.
You’ll find it here, or at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6NWPRG7
Supporting anthropologist Maha Abdelrahman
WCAA have also asked member associations to circulate this petition letter (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1wPegjOyRV53oagnX80pge_fPGbUxvadXp_axTaWkx2g/viewform?ts=5a1becec&edit_requested=true) in support of prof. Maha Abdelrahman from Cambridge University (Giulio Regeni’s PhD supervisor) who has been attacked by the Italian press and authorities.
IUAES World Congress
The 18th World Congress of the IUAES will be held in Florianópolis, Brazil, on 16-20 July 2018, hosted by the Brazilian Association of Anthropology (ABA). The theme of the congress is “World (of) Encounters: The Past, Present and Future of Anthropological Knowledge”. Open panels should be viewable this month on the website for those who wish to submit paper proposals.
The formation of the World Anthropological Union
Both WCAA and IUAES have voted to form the WAU, an umbrella organization to create better collaborations between the two organizations. They have now created a constitution for WAU. In case you are wondering how these three organizations work and fit together (I’ve only just worked it out myself), here is a brief summary:
WCAA (World Council of Anthropological Associations)
- Members are national and international anthropology associations, like ASAANZ, ASA, or the Wenner Grenn.
- Organizes taskforces. This taskforce on ethics, give a sense of what taskforces do to support the discipline.
- It advocates for anthropology, providing a global level voice, for example sending letters of support for anthropologists and anthropology departments when required to governments, the media, or vice chancellors.
IUAES (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences)
- Members are individuals, as well as some organizations, such as NGOS, research library, national academies, funding foundations etc.
- Organizes Congresses (international conferences).
- It has commissions. These are like AAA sections, and are focused on areas of research specialization, such as Aging, Anthropology and Education, Anthropology and the Environment, etc. Individual IUAES members can join Commissions.
Why do they need WAU?
Both organizations decided they needed better collaboration, so as not to compete or duplicate, to present a more unified voice, to streamline and make transparent their joint decision-making processes, and to have a stronger voice internationally. Both organizations have long histories, with particular groups deeply attached to them, and this approach allows them to continue with their distinctive work, but be better aligned.
[recebido por e-mail em dezembro de 2017]