Postdoctoral Research Associate (University of Kent, School of Anthropology and Conservation)

      Comentários fechados em Postdoctoral Research Associate (University of Kent, School of Anthropology and Conservation)

Closes: 21st January 2018

An imaginative and high-calibre interdisciplinary social scientist is required to undertake world-leading research as a Postdoctoral Research Associate on a European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator project entitled ‘Environmental Spaces and the Feel-Good Factor: Relating Subjective Wellbeing to Biodiversity (RELATE)’. The post holder will be based at University of Kent, working with Prof. Zoe Davies and Dr. Robert Fish, but will also collaborate closely with project co-investigators Dr. Martin Dallimer at University of Leeds and Dr. Katherine Irvine at the James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen.

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