The editorial board of “Curare. Journal of Medical Anthropology” is planning a special issue on the current corona pandemic. For this purpose, we are collecting ethnographic material written down as (auto-)ethnographic diaries, which record what is happening in one’s own environment.
This is perhaps a unique opportunity to generate ethnographic material that makes it possible to reconstruct collectively, in retrospect, what is happening right now and what we cannot comprehend at this moment of crisis. The situation in individual countries is developing differently, and countries are increasingly closing their national borders, which makes it interesting and important to look from a comparative perspective at what is happening in similar and different ways in individual countries.
The retrospective interpretation of what has happened will probably be quite controversial in the public sphere when it later comes, among other things, to assessing how this situation was handled and the consequences of crisis management, as well as drawing lessons for the future. This kind of daily ethnographic recording will be all the more important for this discussion.
Therefore, we are looking for correspondents from different countries who observe their own everyday life and that of others, who follow media coverage, save media documents, and record everything in a diary.
Most important: We are looking for records of your own reactions and those of your environment on a daily basis and not retrospectively, to ensure that parts of the „indexicality” of the process can be reconstructed later.
You could send your diary-documentation on a daily basis too. We aim to bring together the various diary entries in a next issue of Curare. If you are interested, please contact us by March 25, 2020 at
Curare. Journal of Medical Anthropology
Curare. Zeitschrift für Medizinethnologie
founded in 1978, peer reviewed, bilingual, edited by
Association for Anthropology and Medicine (AGEM)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnologie und Medizin (AGEM)
Since 1978, Curare. Journal of Medical Anthropology, has provided an international and interdisciplinary forum for the scientific discussion of topics in medical anthropology, understood as encompassing all aspects of health, disease, medicine and healing, past and present, in different parts of the world.
After a first, internal review by the editorial team, all research articles are subject to a rigorous, double-blind external review procedure. All other submitted manuscripts are internally reviewed by the editorial team. In addition to research articles, the journal publishes conference reports and book reviews. Furthermore, the journal’s forum section offers space for essayistic contributions, interviews and ethnographic vignettes.
Curare is unique among medical anthropology journals in that it publishes articles in English and German. Curare also supports the publication of guest-edited special issues. If you are interested in submitting an article or a special issue proposal, please send an email to
[imagem de destaque: Fusion Medical Animation on Unsplash]