Conferência Internacional
“Sketching the Future of the Past: Scales of Time and Space within Processes of Heritage”
David C. Harvey (Aarhus University, Denmark)
14 de fevereiro de 2019, 18h
Auditório Caiano Pereira, ISCTE-IUL
Organização: Programa Doutoral FCT em Antropologia: Políticas e Imagens da Cultura e da Museologia
Working from a processual understanding of heritage, this paper explores a range of case studies to critique the tendency to ‘fix’ a stable notion of heritage within essentialised spatial and temporal bounds. Rather than seeking to ‘trap’ a dynamic world in time and space, therefore, the paper considers the consequences and opportunities for building a more purposeful and progressive sense of heritage that is more critically attentive to power relations. Giving space to non-elite voices and practices, the paper makes experimental connections between some unusual case studies in order to provide scope through which heritage might have a critical appeal and emancipatory potential to be both more sustainable, and transformative.
David Harvey is an Associate Professor in Critical Heritage Studies in the Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies at Aarhus University (Denmark) and an Honorary Professor of Historical and Cultural Geography at Exeter University (UK). His work has focused on the geographies of landscape, heritage, memorialisation, identity and creative practice. He has contributed to some key debates about processual understandings of heritage, extending the temporal depth of heritage, the outlining of heritage-landscape and heritage-climate change relations, as well as the opening up of hidden memories through oral history. His most recent work includes The Future of Heritage as Climates Change: loss, adaptation and creativity (2015), edited with Jim Perry, and Commemorative Spaces of the First World War: historical geographies at the Centenary (2018), edited with James Wallis.