Colleex-1st Colleex Workshop – Ethnographic Experimentation: Fieldwork Devices and Companions

      Comentários fechados em Colleex-1st Colleex Workshop – Ethnographic Experimentation: Fieldwork Devices and Companions

First Workshop of the #Colleex
Collaboratory for Ethnographic Experimentation, an EASA network

Ethnographic Experimentation
Fieldwork Devices and Companions

13th–15th July 2017, Jardim Botânico Tropical, Lisbon

[+ info > website]

Organised by

#Colleex – Collaboratory for Ethnographic Experimentation, an EASA network
Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ICS), Universidade de Lisboa
EBANO Collective – Ethnography-Based Art Nomad Organisation, Lisbon

Supported by

European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA)
Jardim Botânico Tropical, Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência (MUNHAC), Universidade de Lisboa
Professorship for Participatory Technology Design, MCTS, TU Munich

Organising committee

Eeva Berglund, independent scholar
Francesca De Luca, ICS, ULisboa
Adolfo Estalella, Spanish National Scientific Council
Anna Lisa Ramella, Locating Media, University of Siegen
Chiara Pussetti, ICS, ULisboa
Tomás Sánchez Criado, MCTS, TU Munich

Programme and book of abstracts

1st_Colleex_Programme (PDF)

1st_Colleex_Abstracts (PDF)