CFP: Czech urban anthropology journal Lidé města / Urban People

      Comentários fechados em CFP: Czech urban anthropology journal Lidé města / Urban People

Call for contributions:

Czech urban anthropology journal Lidé města / Urban People invites authors to submit proposals for articles to be included in the journal’s 2020 annual English edition.

Lidé města / Urban People is a leading peer-reviewed Czech journal in social anthropology and related disciplines, with a specific focus on the area of Central and Eastern Europe (but also broader), and particularly on the topics related to urban anthropology. It is published both in print version and on-line (in an open access format). The journal has an international Editorial Board, and is indexed in Czech biographical databases, and in the international scientometric and bibliographic databases ERIH and CEEOL.

Deadline for submission of proposals: March 1, 2020.

Notification of acceptance: March 8, 2020.

Deadline for article submissions: May 1, 2020.

Date of publication: September 2020.

Submission format for proposals: abstract (300–400 words), with 3–5 keywords, and a brief biography of the author (100 words).

Volume, number: Lidé města / Urban People 2020, issue 22, number 2 (English edition).

Proposals should be submitted to:

Thank you for your consideration!

With regards, David Verbuč (Editor-in-chief for English editions).

Other information.

Formal requirements for articles:

Journal website:  

Publisher: Fakulta humanitních studií UK (Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic). Address: U kříže 8, 158 00 Praha 5, Czech Republic.