[Call for Papers] Workshop “Erratic bodies, transitional borders, and recent migration in Europe: Representation and identity negotiations in public discourse, literature, and the arts”

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Call for Papers
Deadline for submitting abstracts: March 31st, 2018.

“Erratic bodies, transitional borders, and recent migration in Europe: Representation and identity negotiations in public discourse, literature, and the arts”
University of Oslo, ILOS, September 27-28, 2018

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The 2015–2016 phenomenon labeled the “migrant crisis” and the “refugee crisis” generated intense discussions in the public spheres of various European societies, as well as in their private spheres. An important part of these discussions was identity negotiations: who are “we” and who are “they”? What do we want our societies and public spaces to be like? What are our values? Migration has caused visible changes in public spaces, and in the ways that receiving and transit countries see themselves, their past and future, and neighboring countries.

About the workshop

In this workshop, we are particularly interested in examining (a) visual and multimodal phenomena, be it multimodal representation of migrants and migration, or transit and receiving societies, and (b) representations of migration, migrants, or transit and receiving societies in literature and the arts. The phenomena we will focus on include multilingual discourse, audiovisual testimonies, documentaries, graffiti, and graphic novels.

The first part of the workshop will concentrate on the public sphere: on official, semi-official, and private discourse with migrants and migration as its topic. The second part will concentrate on the representation of migration and migrants in the arts and literature. Particular attention will be given to the relation of the two general umbrella topics reflected in the two parts of the workshop.

We welcome contributions addressing these topics that are based on original, unpublished research. The workshop’s scope is Europe as an entire region. We also welcome contributions dealing with some other regions that comparatively include a view on Europe.

On the basis of the contributions to the two workshop parts (clusters), we will prepare either two special issues of academic journals or will consider including some of the contributions in an edited volume. The workshop will also serve as a basis for developing applications for funding at the national and international levels.

Abstract submission

Please send paper proposals (maximum 300 words plus references) in English to: migrations2018@ilos.uio.no. The abstracts should clearly relate to the workshop topics, indicate the area(s)/countries dealt with, state the research questions, identify the empirical material, and outline the method(s) used. Your proposal should also contain the title of your presentation, your full name, institutional affiliation, and e-mail address, as well as your discipline.

Deadline for submitting abstracts: March 31st, 2018.
Acceptance notification: April 30th, 2018.

Additional information

The workshop presentations will be twenty minutes followed by ten minutes for questions and discussion.

Limited funding for accommodation might be available to support two or three doctoral students or applicants who are able to establish a lack of support for funds to attend this particular workshop, and only if they apply with highly relevant abstracts. Indicate whether you would like to be considered, and justify your case when applying.

Organizing committee: Ljiljana Šarić, Álvaro Llosa Sanz, Nelson González Ortega