[Call for Papers] EASA2018 – Painel “Writing the History of Anthropology in a Global Era (…)”

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Está aberto o call for papers para o painel “Writing the History of Anthropology in a Global Era [History of Anthropology Network]” cocoordenado por Frederico Rosa, sócio da APA, que integrará o 15º congresso bienal da EASA – “EASA2018: Staying, Moving, Settling” (Stockholm University, 14-17 August, 2018).


  • Han F. Vermeulen (Max Planck Institute of Social Anthropology)
  • Frederico Rosa (Universidade Nova de Lisboa-CRIA/FCSH)

Short abstract

This panel invites papers on authors, institutions and traditions relevant to the history of anthropology and ethnology, including museum and visual studies in the Global Era, taking off in the 18th century. The papers should derive from research undertaken within a history of science framework.

Call for Papers: 27 February to 9 April

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