Está aberto o call for papers para o painel “Divine Mobilities: How Gods and Spirits Move Through the World Location” cocoordenado por Ruy Blanes, sócio da APA, que integrará o 15º congresso bienal da EASA – “EASA2018: Staying, Moving, Settling” (Stockholm University, 14-17 August, 2018).
- Stephan Palmie (University of Chicago)
- Roger Canals (University of Barcelona)
- Ruy Blanes (University of Gothbnburg)
Short abstract
This panel seeks a debate on mobility in religious/spiritual contexts beyond the usual tropes of “diaspora” or “de/reterritorialization”. Calling for papers based on current ethnographies in the anthropology of religion, we aim to explore new approaches to religious mediation and transmission.
Call for Papers: 27 February to 9 April