The Anthropology and Environment Society seeks participants for its annual dissertation workshop, which will take place during the 2019 AAA meetings in Vancouver, BC. We will select students to meet in small groups with A&E faculty members to discuss their dissertation proposals or chapters-in-progress. We aim for this program not only to build graduate student networks within Environmental Anthropology but also to provide a constructive space to share ideas. Ph.D. students in any stage of their programs are welcome to apply.
For consideration for this year’s workshop, please send the following to Brendan Galipeau ( <> ) by October 1:
–A 500 word abstract of a dissertation (for students who have not yet begun writing-up) or dissertation chapter (for students writing-up). This abstract should indicate the student’s stage in her/his program as well as describe: 1) particular questions or concerns the student has with the piece; and 2) why the student is interested in participating. (If the student is submitting a chapter, please describe how the chapter fits into the larger dissertation.)
Decisions on participation will be made quickly. If you are selected for the workshop, full-length proposals and chapters (of up to 5,000 words) will be due by November 1. Given time constraints, A&E faculty members will only be able to comment on the dissertation’s overall conceptualization (i.e. the dissertation proposal) or the contents of one dissertation chapter.
The A&E dissertation workshop is separate from the Rappaport Prize, which is given for article length and breadth writing. Together with the Rappaport Prize, the dissertation workshop is aimed at creating a supportive and inclusive intellectual community within the Anthropology and Environment Society.